The Basics of Running a Meta-Analysis

Here we walk through the basic steps of running a meta-analysis with PyMARE.

Start with the necessary imports

from pprint import pprint

from pymare import core, datasets, estimators

Load the data

We will use the Michael et al.[1] dataset, which comes from the metadat library [2].

We only want to do a mean analysis, so we won’t have any covariates except for an intercept.

data, meta = datasets.michael2013()
dset = core.Dataset(data=data, y="yi", v="vi", X=None, add_intercept=True)
y v intercept
0 0.23 0.038539 1.0
1 -0.04 0.007195 1.0
2 0.23 0.016788 1.0
3 0.11 0.019805 1.0
4 -0.04 0.003913 1.0
5 0.05 0.002331 1.0
6 0.31 0.022049 1.0
7 0.10 0.024691 1.0
8 0.33 0.025544 1.0
9 -0.05 0.009700 1.0
10 0.18 0.009267 1.0
11 -0.02 0.009692 1.0

Now we fit a model

You must first initialize the estimator, after which you can use fit() to fit the model to numpy arrays, or fit_dataset() to fit it to a Dataset.


We generally recommend using fit_dataset() over fit().

There are a number of methods, such as get_heterogeneity_stats() and permutation_test(), which only work when the Estimator is fitted to a Dataset.

However, fit() requires less memory than fit_dataset(), so it can be useful for large-scale meta-analyses, such as neuroimaging image-based meta-analyses.

The summary() function will return a MetaRegressionResults object, which contains the results of the analysis.

name estimate se z-score p-value ci_0.025 ci_0.975
0 intercept 0.052993 0.026738 1.981957 0.047484 0.000588 0.105399

We can also extract some useful information from the results object

The get_heterogeneity_stats() method will calculate heterogeneity statistics.

{'H': array([1.19590745]),
 'I^2': array([30.07944649]),
 'Q': array([15.73214091]),
 'p(Q)': array([0.15136996])}

The get_re_stats() method will estimate the confidence interval for \tau^2.

{'ci_l': array([0.]), 'ci_u': array([0.04013725]), 'tau^2': 0.0}

The permutation_test() method will run a permutation test to estimate more accurate p-values.

name estimate se z-score p-value p-value (perm.) ci_0.025 ci_0.975
0 intercept 0.052993 0.026738 1.981957 0.047484 0.065 0.000588 0.105399


Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 0.027 seconds)

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